A Produce – Reflect like a Mirror, Respond like an Echo

A Produce - Reflect like a Mirror, Respond like an Echo

Release data:

A Produce – Reflect like a Mirror, Respond like an Echo
CD, Trance Port, 1997

This cd by A Produce, aka Barry Craig, is a special re-release from his first album from 1992, which comes with a cd-cover like those of Vidna Obmana. This new edition is a completely remastered version of the original album, to which three bonus tracks and two unreleased pieces have been added.

Still, the ambient music on this album remains one of stillness and introspection, but to me the five tracks which follow after the short meditative piece “A Smooth Surface” don’t have much to say.

This changes with “Clear Pools” (which previously appeared on the cd “White Sands”) and the songs after that which delve in expansiveness and relaxing, reaching a highlight on “Rousseau’s Jungle”.

The short two bonus tracks coming next are well done, before the album closes with the 24 minute version of the quiet opening track.
It features some great sounds of singing bowls, but the track as such is a bit too long to my taste.

All in all, compared to his other works, this album isn’t that strong.

Website: www.hypnos.com/aproduce

You can see what reviews I have done of this artist on the A Produce artist page


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