Adrian Beasley is one of the members of the UK-band Air Sculpture, which has ran a bit out of sight since a couple of years, although they did perform several concerts and compose a few tracks for samplers. With this solo album, Adrian likes to share his passion and excitement that fulfilled him 30 years ago when he had his first encounter with the raw power of electronic gear. The 18-minute “Turbines” takes off with a long intro of starting engines, later followed by the well-known up-tempo sequencing and melodic textures from Air Sculpture, which reminds of old-style TD. The excellent “Power Surge” turns dynamic again with powerful sequencing, a lofty solo lead and a steady beat. The title track ends things in a great manner, starting out rather quietly, but soon sequencing and electronic textures come in. Adrian adds some great soloing in the tradition of Mark Shreeve and old Mr Dyson, making all ingredients ending up in a fantastic up-tempo piece. All in all, “Powerhouse”, available through outlets like Groove Unlimited and SMD, sure is a recommended album! |
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