Airwaves – Multiverse

Airwaves - Multiverse

Release data:

Airwaves – Multiverse
CD/Digital Download,  Carpe Sonum, 2020

“Multiverse” is the final recording from the sadly deceased Oscar Menzel his widow discovered on his computer years ago. It is now made available to the public as a limited edition cd and digital download after another meticulous master job by David Morley.

“Multiverse” features 52 minutes of music composed between 1999 and 2003 of which only two tracks (here listed as Part 1-11) had been floating around on YouTube for years: cinematic opener “City of Fear” and the hauntingly beautiful seventh piece “Hashima” (The Abandoned Island). Created with analogue equipment, Oscar captured some futuristic, imaginative and interplanetary music with progressive -and occasional experimental- hints for this captivating recording straying quite out of the ordinary. It taps into alternate aural realities with deep, warm pads, an amalgamy of sound effects and a few vocoder bits here and there. Make sure you check the 10-minute “Part 11”, a very film music-like outing presenting it all in evocative glory.

All in all, “Multiverse” -limited to 200 physical copies- makes a feast for all who love vintage sound design along an adventurous approach towards electronics



You can see what reviews I have done of this artist on the Airwaves artist page


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