“Emergence 2012” is a rather peculiar ambient release by San Francisco-based ambient-sound technician/sound healing visionary Alex Theory and philosopher-journalist Daniel Pinchbeck. Inspired by Baktuns, the cycles of the classical Mayan calendar, the shamanic and healing music of “Emergence 2012” is presented as a soundtrack for global evolution. The 67-minute meditative outcome infuses psychoacoustic rhythms with the chants of ayahuasca shamans, flute and natural harmonics found deep within the forests of South America, together creating a pleasant and moody atmosphere to dwell in. The ethnic elements give the well executed music hints toward the music of “Suspended Memories”, but overall moves on a different and not such in-depth level while it creates it own spacious, trance-induced state-of-being. |
Website: www.soundstrue.com
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