Since his debut “24 Hours” (2001), Canadian Mike Carss has proved a skilled ambient composer of emotive textural landscapes full of elegance and drama. In addition, expansiveness, deepness as well as a symphonic component lies at the core of his albums and single tracks. With “Trailhead”, Mike offers us his fourth volume of Altus’ singles collection, covering music written between 2016 and 2020 featuring 5 of the 7 tracks never been released. Smooth, drifting and velvet cosmic expanses open wide up on “Overwhelmed by Starlight” ,“Sentinel” and “A view from Above” while symphonic –slightly Vangelis-esq- environs fill the scene on the enchanting “The Third Option”. Hypnotizing, profound soundscape breezes fill the room on “Session X”, a great and fulfilling track initially meant as the finale of “Sleep Theory Volume 4” but in the end not meeting the goal of the composer for the final release. “Soft Space” is the only piece on this recording feeling a bit lightweight though still not bad. The gentle, pastoral-ish “Until we meet again” rounds things out, revealing what improvements and changes Mr Carss would achieve since then. All in all, “Trailhead: Singles Collection Volume 4” makes a fine addition to the previous volumes.
Website: You can see what reviews I have done of this artist on the Altus artist page
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