“Between Worlds” is a full-length collaboration of Belgian musicians Ashtoreth (aka Peter Verwimp) and Stratosphere (aka Ronald Mariën). Together they deliver a 7-track ambient soundscape with some ritualist dark as well as some occult undercurrents at work that remains accessible all the way. Elevating the listener to higher, but at the same time celestial-infused spheres, Mariën’s heavily treated -sometimes even distorted-guitar textures & bass merge with Ashtoreth’s minimal drone architecture of freeform nature. Ominous (“Distance”), dreamy (“Awake”) and almost foreboding moods pass by as the 52-minute work unfolds, culminating in the powerfull ambient shower turned on to full whack on the title track rounding out the release. This startling 17-minute exercise is simply mesmerizing as it glows in its weightless, soft-breathing cocoon as it unwinds, building in intensity as the track progresses. “Between Worlds” may not seem that appealing or even cause a sense of discomfort now and then at first listen. But those who give it a chance to grow through more spins (headphones recommended!) may discover something special in the end… |
Website: www.winter-light.nl
Website: ashtoreth1.bandcamp.com Website: www.stratosphere.be You can see what reviews I have done of this artist on the Stratosphere artist page
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