It seemed Bernd Kistenmacher had retired from electronic music after 2001, having previously comprised most of his privately released music in the box-set “My Little Universe”. In 2008 however, rumours said he was working on a possible new album. It eventually ended up in a live concert in October in Paris (which should be out on dvd soon), followed by the release of “Celestial Movements”. The music fuses rich elements from symphonic music with those of the Berliner School, even containing those expansive trumpet synth pads which Bernd used on his later albums. Things start out highly atmospheric and mysterious on “The Beginning”. Next are some experimental edges found at the beginning and end of the second piece “In Face of Saturn”, but in between the music is smoothly set in motion with distinct sequencing and expansive pads. A personal favourite is the 17-minute “Colliding Stars”. It nicely moves on in almost free form style, with only a deep bass sequence on the background in the first ten minutes, after which vintage choirs and a repetitive sequence set lead things into a grand design with a few outbursts. The 19-minute “Living between Asteroids”, sets out with grand organ sounds, but soon shifts into a dance-like track with a string of repetitive sequences and melodic pads plus accompanying beats over which Bernd’s improvises on piano. It sounds like an encore of a concert, but also a bit too much. It starts dragging on as all content is already presented in the first 6 minutes or so. After a short, more pleasant and quiet interlude, the string of music heads towards the end with beats, heavy bass sequences and hovering synth pads known from his latest studio albums, All in all, the outcome is a contemporary work of electronic music in which Kistenmacher’s signature from the past at times shines through evidently. |
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