“Dharma Rain” further extends on the already impressive journey through sensuous ambient music started on the previous three Chronotope Project releases. Although not as lengthy as the previous ones, the three track/38-minute “Dharma Rain” features a myriad of highly emotive music reflecting elements from Buddhist teachings, physics and cosmology seamlessly. Moreover, each piece focuses on a different element, respectively: fire, air/ether, and water. The minimalist sequencing, lush soundscaping and lyrical solo-voice on the opener “Dancing Wu Li Masters” already creates a harmonic, yet intimate sonic cocoon. It slightly made me think of the Tibetan-inspired output by David Parsons and ingredients of the older works of Robert Rich, while also linking to cosmic space music. This piece, along the title track found at the tail of the release is meant as a vehicle for long raga-like melodies performed mostly on the Haken Continuum Fingerboard, The latter is a synthesizer with a unique continuous-pitch three dimensional “keyboard” that allows extremely nuanced expression. “Oort Cloud”, the second track, takes on a different sonic approach while maintaining the overall lush cosmic feel: it steps out of the melody current, replacing it by smooth drift of evolving patterns eluding the diffuse, elusive and mysterious content of this vast field of ice, dust and gas that surrounds our solar system. The 18-minute title piece (named after a phrase often heard in Buddhist sutras) closes the circle in soft glowing, sparkling but also hypnotizing fashion, applying velvet phrasings executed through a bansuri-flute like voice and oboe-esque FM voice that hover over percussive textures. The intimate and sedate spherics on this track evolve and bloom easily, as the composer again sticks to simple but straightforward melodic motifs hovering over mesmerizing, rhythmic patterns. This exercise alone is easy-going, most fulfilling and satisfying. The meticulously composed, excellent produced and mastered “Dharma Rain” is highly recommended for those who have a deep love for Buddhist-inspired, vibrant textural ambient music. |
Website: www.chronotope-project.com
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