Computer Chemist is one Dave Pearson from Hungary, who previously lived in England, whose “Aqual Measure” is described as “Berlin-school-style jazz-rock, perfecting a blend of raw guitar work and uber-precise sequencer lines”. Well, his output sure can be classified as progressive and energetic electronics, topped by e-guitar. The albums starts out with the up-tempo “Tantric Race”, which comes up with nice with vintage electronics and catchy drums, but also too prominent e-guitar. “Mirage” features some great sounds, but the overall outcome it too busy to my ears, which is again due to the too upfront e-guitar. The distinct and very nice TD-flavours at the start of the title track count for something, not the e-guitar showing up later on. On the 13-minute piece “Standing Waves, Standing Still” things work out smoothly and pleasant for the first five minutes with excellent spatial sequencing, but the guitar kicking in ruins the composition for me. Make up your own mind about this music, which certain has growing potential when Mr Pearson would forget about that disrupting RMI-like guitar. |
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