“Nautical Twilight” is the debut release of Steve Roach and New Mexico-based synthesist Frank Beissel, a highly in-depth atmospheric ambient journey into immersive soundscapes. From the promotional blurb, I learned most of the 71-minute outcome came to fruition during real-time sessions at Mr. Beissel’s studio while Mr. Roach took care of (re)arranging, producing, and the final additional touches. The last step was the expert mastering by Howard Givens. Overall, there’s a darker, slight ominous veil hovering over or embedded in the slow drifting, gentle shifting sets of ephemeral (drone) textures making up the cinematic sound paintings. Of the five tracks, “Arc of Descent” is emotionally charged especially. Listening with a fine pair of headphones to all this during the twilight time or early dawn is recommended to get the best out of these well-crafted mood ambiences. |
Website: steveroach.bandcamp.com
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