Free System Projekt – Five Suns

Free System Projekt - Five Suns


Release data:

Free System Projekt – Five Suns
CD/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Private Release, 2017

With the double album “Five Suns” Dutch duo Ruud Heij and Marcel Engels (aka Free System Project) continue their journey through vast Berlin School wastelands.

The album concept is based on the Aztecs creation myth, a continuous cycle of creations and destructions called suns. The myth which tells the story of the creation is called the Legend of the Fifth Sun, each sun corresponding to five world ages. A representation of one version of the creation myth, along with the five suns, is thought to be inscribed on the Aztec Calendar Stone.

Ok, now to the music. Soon after hitting the start button it becomes clear the 128-minute outcome embodies a far more adventurous and mysterious mood compared to FSP’s previous albums. This is due to haunting choirscapes, mellotron textures and slight psychedelic elements featured in darker, more foreboding sounding sonic vistas dressed with various vintage sequences. I personally feel the duo excels especially on the non-rhythmic freeform parts of the five lengthy excursions. I for one love the evocative entrance and outro of the overall strong 32-minute “Five Suns – Part 3 Nahui-Quiahuitl”.

This also applies to the mesmerizing spookiness and dense spherics settling down on the extra-terrestrial ambient soundscape “Five Suns – Part 4 Nahui-Atl” before the album rounds out with the classic TD sequencer-driven last part following after another lovely freeform opening of a couple of minutes.

All in all I’d say the first disc of “Five Suns” is rather average while the second one easily deserves a 4 stars ranking.


You can see what reviews I have done of this artist on the Free System Projekt artist page


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