Ideation – Adrift

Ideation - Adrift

Release data:

Ideation – Adrift
CD, Ricochet Dream, 2009

“Adrift”, the 40th release of the label Ricochet Dream, is a collaboration between Paul Nagle and Pete Ruczynski (of Air Sculpture), aka Ideation, who’s motto is to compose music “to float your mind” and make you smile.

I couldn’t detect much structure in the improvised sounding 9-minute “Function and Disorder”, which has both a high-tech and up-beat angle, but I like the smooth, freeform and quiet soundings of the very short “Cherry Pie” following it.
The flowing and moody “Zeitgeist” offers some nice analogue vibes, sequence-patterns and soloing that reminds of a hold-back AirSculpture.

The rhythmic “Unreality” doesn’t sound structured, not leaving any real impression either, and unfortunately things don’t improve when “Gruber’s Great Aunt” arrives with its strong improvised character and (at least for me) pointless guitar licks.

Happily enough, the 10-minute “Bom Badda Boom” takes things more seriously by creating a more comfortable atmosphere with tweaked sequencing. The almost 15-minute title track ends the album in a beautiful and moody way, featuring a very nice interaction of e-guitar, smooth sequencing, textures and piano.

Overlooking the whole album makes it a bit of strange mixed bag of electronic music that is hard to point.
The album is released as a limited edition digi-pak of 300 copies.



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