Javi Cánovas – Slow Light

Javi Cánovas - Slow Light

Release data:

Javi Cánovas – Slow Light
CD-r/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Neu Harmony, 2020

In the last few years, it´s become clear this Spanish synthesist has been struggling in various ways, one of them will be the lack of recognition as well as sales of his music. Besides that, it doesn’t help either in my opinion when his music is released in a very cheap manner as Neu Harmony does through their shabby recordable series.

The 68-minute “Slow Light”, presents three extended tracks all residing in the contemporary domain, though proves once again what a talented guy Javi is. The “Lost Road”, clocking over 30 minutes, evolves constantly during its carefully build energetic, sequencer-driven ride featuring some minimal touches as well as some soloing near the end. After a quiet, moody opening, poignant and later powerful sequencer bits set and keep things in motion on the title track but the level of energy overall stays mediocre. At first the final track, the 18-minute “Stop and Move” sounds a bit bland but at the 5-minute mark a heavy, jumpy sequence and some percussion show up. From there, compared to the previous ones, the piece progresses in far less interesting a minimal fashion.

Website: synthmusicdirect.com

You can see what reviews I have done of this artist on the Javi Canovas artist page


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