John Christian – Sol Invictus

John Christian - Sol Invictus

Release data:

John Christian – Sol Invictus
CD/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Private Release, 2015

On his fourth album “Sol Invictus”, Airsculpture-member John Christian invites his listeners to join him on a trip that features a good bunch of heavy sequencers. In the process of creation, John experimented with tracks that would slowly alter their mix or sounds to keep the very prominent sequencers interesting, ending up with an outcome that applies these techniques to some degree.

The outcome on the first pieces is more contemporary and has detached itself from the traditional Berlin School, coming forward in minimalist structures and rhythmic patterns running sideways that demand patience to get their full picture. Contrary to these, “Holology” has a livelier and melodic sound design that returns to the retro-oriented music that also recalls AirSculpture.

Darker netherworlds and dense soundscapes make up the opening of the minimal “Shadowcast”, followed by a pleasant combo of evolving sequences coming out of the shadows that start building with a slice of melody on top. Creating a hypnotizing mood and a certain level of introspection is what “Ice Nine”, the 24-minute closing piece, is all about. Here, the hypnotic sequences and percussive elements take the time to unfold gradually within the cyclic/minimalist structured framework to quite a powerful and spatial sonic statement (though I can imagine listeners who won’t listen closely and attentively will find this slow cooking process a boring affair).


You can see what reviews I have done of this artist on the AirSculpture and  John Christian artist page

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