Juta(ro) Takahashi is a Japanese ambient musician residing in Sendai, Miyagi, who prefers using analogue gear. “Remembrance” is his third official album, of which the improvised music shows distinct influences of Brian Eno and Harold Budd. The three extended pieces of 18, 20 and 17 minutes on the cd feature free form and minimal oriented music taking place in the slow lane. “Outward”, supposed to travel to outer space, doesn’t sound as uplifting and spacious as the title may suggest, beside the fact the slowly unfolding soundscapes could do with a bit more warmth. The best piece for sure is the closing (title)track, softly moving between melancholy and contemplation, coming close to the spirit of Peter Davidson’s “Winds of Space”. This track would sparkle even more with some further production and mastering, as the overall sounds tend to be a bit harsh. Overall, this slow drifting, peaceful album is for those loving Liquid Mind and alike. |
Website: www.jutatakahashi.com
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