“Sea Bound”, released at the beginning of March 2009, is the fifth album by Japanese ambient composer Juta Takahashi. Juta himself describes the sonic content as “tunes from the ocean, painted with synthesizers, acoustic pianos and voices”. The three extended tracks (23, 17 and 20 minutes respectively) offer overall calming, textural music, of which the rich sound pallet of analogue synthesizers gives the music and extra edge. “Undercurrents” features some nice textural paintings and repetitive acoustic piano motifs, both wandering in a freeform manner, to which celestial, elevating soundscapes are added halfway. With your eyes closed, one can easily imagine hearing and feeling the ocean while drifting on the undercurrents of the ocean. The last piece on the album is the beautiful 20-minute title track, which reminded me of John Kerr’s piece “Imminent Shadows II”, but in a non-symphonic style. Its flowing, moody and overall relaxing textural soundscapes get company of a heavenly, mesmerizing vocal chord showing up in the second half of the track. So seek a comfortable seat or lie down and let yourself be embraced by Juta’s dreamy and contemplative music, which would sparkle even more after some further improved mastering. |
Website: www.jutatakahashi.com
You can see what reviews I have done of this artist on the Juta Takahashi artist page
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