“Communication” is the debut solo album under his own name by ex. Kraftwerk-member Karl Bartos, although he released several albums using the moniker Elektric Music previously. Sonically, the synth-pop of “Communication” fits in the same framework as we know from Kraftwerk’s best period by presenting the same kind of underlying precision and groove as found in the band’s music. It displays dance-oriented, sequencer-driven pieces, electronic percussion and old school drum machine (Beat Box) along computers-vocals and similar catchy simplistic melodies and robotic-feel. Compared to Bartos’ Elektric Music output, “Communication” reveals a more refined and to the point focus, but it’s actually melody why this album succeeds. Just listen to “I’m the Message”, “15 minutes of Fame” or “Life” to hear prove of the pudding on this stunning sounding album. No Kraftwerk-fan should miss out on this release. P.S. In September 2013, 10 years after the album’s initial release, a very-limited edition “Communication-kit” in a metal box was released containing various extras and goodies. |
Website: www.karlbartos.com
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