Martin Stürtzer – Space is not Empty

Martin Stürtzer - Space is not Empty

Release data:

Martin Stürtzer – Space is not Empty
DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Private Release, 2023

With this release, Martin Stürtzer once again shows his versatility in the electronic space music he’s been producing for years. The 48-minute/5-track “Space is not Empty” kicks off with two longer cosmic pieces pairing warm, dense, gently swirling pads with lush Berliner School sequencing and some deep bass lines. Further on we find the enchanting 9-minute “Integrated Flux” (featuring some lovely bass motives from Roland’s TB-303) pinpointed by its maker as an exploration of his more melodic side. Here, smooth, celestial, spaced-out spheres graced with a gentle melodic structure take the stage convincingly and caress the ears.

Rest me saying Stürtzer fans simply can’t go wrong with another fine and well-composed release of Berlin School ambiences.


You can see what reviews I have done of this artist on the Martin Stürtzer artist page.



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