Massergy – A Novel Sense of Calm

Massergy - A Novel Sense of Calm


Release data:

Massergy – A Novel Sense of Calm
DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Relaxed Machinery, 2015

Massergy is an ambient project of Texas-based self-taught musician Eric Jensen who made his live debut at Finland’s Ambient Music Conference in June 2014, where he also launched his album “Beautiful Narcosis”.

Listening to the 87-minute “With A Novel Sense of Calm” with a pair of quality headphones proves an emotive and truly revelatory experience. Similar to the album mentioned previously, this music also is a tribute to the composer’s younger brother (an electronic musician who was killed in 2002) meant as a guidebook for traveling in the hereafter and a soundtrack to the lucid dreams he shared with him.

Employing no sequencers, loops or stretchers and being composed nocturnally improvised and recorded in an undisclosed nature preserve in a year’s time, the hovering sonic blanket is loaded with rich tonalities along repetitive and melodic arrangements featuring bold tones and warm textures. Despite the slightly blurry, distorted and resonant sound design that is his distinct trademark, Massergy offers multiple introspective vistas to transcendental and hypnotizing effect as the immersive ride evolves and unfolds slowly.

Beside an ethereal flavor, there’s always an earthy cornerstone present in the detailed, soft sparkling and shimmering outcome meant to assist on the journey beyond. A profound track like “Dust Affinity” displays this beautifully and most sincere, then meticulously shifting to a positive, almost celebratory feel gracing the gently rhythmic-paced “Reed Fields Eternal” and evocative title piece subtly. This approach is also effective when applied to a shorter exercise such as “M119”, which is dressed with beautiful vintage textures. And while this is not saddening music, a slight melancholic slumber can always be sensed throughout the album, especially on “A Venial Son” and “Never Perhaps” that draw the album to a most intriguing end.

The mesmerizing “With A Novel Sense of Calm” is a highly recommended album for any ambient aficionado. Very well done, Eric!



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