“Farewell” is a tribute and dedication to the German ambient musician Klaus Wiese, a former member of Popol Vuh who sadly died in 2009. The album was originally released as limited edition of only 100 copies, which included a special numbered mini-bonus-cd, but is now available as a single cd in an eco carton package. What we got here is a smooth and introspective ambient space presented in five lengthy and highly spiritual pieces and one shorter track at the end. This uninterrupted sonic canvas is made up of resonating drone textures and occasional tribal-infused rhythms along cascading synths pads, voices, rhythms and bells. Cosmic, reflective and highly spiritual atmospheres is what the flowing outcome on “Farewell” is all about, while at the same reaching for the heavens. All who love expansive spaces but above all contemplative and minimal textural ambient, this one is for you. |
Website: www.el-culto.com
You can see what reviews I have done of this artist on the Mathias Grassow artist page
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