MorPheuSz – Days of Delerium & Nocturnal Nightmares (Chapter One)

MorPheuSz - Days of Delerium & Nocturnal Nightmares (Chapter One)

Release data:

MorPheuSz – Days of Delerium & Nocturnal Nightmares (Chapter One)
CD, Groove Unlimited, 2010

MorPheuSz is the Dutch/German music collective Ron Boots, Eric and Harold van der Heijden and Frank Dorittke (aka FD Project).

“Days of Delerium & Nocturnal Nightmares” for me again proves what a great combination Ron Boots and Eric van der Heijden still are, as they were in charge of the arrangement and composition of all six lengthy tracks on this disc. Although the music still contains lots of sequencing, the output sounds somewhat different than their usual output.

This time, things are more in an instrumental prog-rock/symphonic vein with some straight forward and sometimes even mean sounding guitar work flying around the groovy, occasionally even psychedelic infused atmospheres.

The more mellow side comes to the surface on “Drowse at Dawn”, before kicking into rocking territory again on the album closer “Fearful Awakening”.

As this recording is listed as chapter one, I’m already anxiously looking forward to the future additions to this musical formulae of freestyle prog electronics.

You can see what reviews I have done of this artist on the  MorPheuSz artist page


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