Nigel Mullaney – The Navigator

Nigel Mullaney - The Navigator  


Release data:

Nigel Mullaney – The Navigator
LP/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Behind The Sky Music, 2021

Here’s a recording about (personal) exploration and discovery as well as seeing beyond the mind’s eye. “The Navigator” is a concept album inspired by the mythical voyage of St. Brendan, an early Irish monastic saint and one of the Twelve Apostles of Ireland (who’s also known as The Voyager/The Navigator) who is primarily renowned for his legendary quest to the divine: the imaginary “Isle of the Blessed”.

The 10 tracks were recorded over the lockdown of summer 2020 by UK sound engineer Nigel Mullaney – who has done various DiN releases aside from privately released recordings- using his extensive collection of modular, vintage and analogue synths. With the latter, the composer created some 43 minutes of moody, mind-expanding, deep soundscapes and sequences where the analogue vibe is running high. Things though change radically when we dive into the abstract, experimental and stark on “Descent to the Underneath”, not my cup of tea at all. Fortunately, harmonic ambiences shake hands the most on “The Final Voyage”.

As a side note, one should consider listening to this adventurous recording through headphones as it is presented in a hi-resolution.



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