MoonSatellite – Low Life

Release data: MoonSatellite – Low Life CD-R, PWM Distribution, 2013 With the album “Low Life”, presented as one overture and six parts, we enter a vibrant world of classic electronic music for 65-minutes. While still echoing some of the vintage work of Jarre, Marc Perbal has come up with a most attractive assortment of layered sequencer patterns and highly spherical…

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Odyssey & We Are The Hunters – Odyssey & We Are The Hunters

Release data: Odyssey & We Are The Hunters – Odyssey & We Are The Hunters CD,, 2013 This release features Odyssey, aka Tomasz Pauszek (also known as RND) and We are the Hunters (aka the – Spanish? – duo Sentionaut and Synthembryo). Both have delivered one lengthy composition that is dedicated to or inspired by the legendary cosmic music…

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Mathias Grassow – Tamanoshima

Release data: Mathias Grassow – Tamanoshima CD, Gterma, 2013 The almost 80-minute “Tamanoshima” follows in the footsteps of Mathias previous releases on Gterma, again travelling into deep, uncharted but still lengthy sonic environment. The meticulously crafted continuous waves and drone fields remain intense and mysterious, smoothly shifting color and shape in most subtle manners. Listening to these slightly mind bending…

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Pollard/Daniel/Booth – 5

Release data: Pollard/Daniel/Booth – 5 CD-R/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, English Electronic Music Company, 2013 What I got here is another analogue extravaganza containing the three-part “Sphere of Influence” along the 9-minute encore from the trio’s live-gig at “E-Live 2009” (which didn’t fit on PDB – “3”). The triptych is a 60-minute journey through the vintage years of the early and mid ‘70’s,…

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Andrew Forrest – Presence (Harmonics Trilogy Vol. 3)

Release data: Andrew Forrest – Presence (Harmonics Trilogy Vol. 3) CD/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Private Release, 2013 With “Presence”, Andrew’s ninth release to date, we get to the closing part of the Harmonics Trilogy. Like its predecessors, it contains three expansive movements meant for sonic, long-time discovery along relaxation and introspection. The outcome took the composer nine months of composing, involved 90…

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Synthex – Mirrorland

Release data: Synthex – Mirrorland CD, Groove Unlimited, 2013 In my opinion, it was just a matter of time before this youngster would come up with his first mature, factory-pressed release, having heard his remarkable first steps that made up “Pythagoras”. “Mirrorland” contains 55 minutes of highly accessible melodic music, which is joyfull, warm, uplifting and dreamy. Jeffrey Haster shows…

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F.D. Project – Moments of Life

Release data: F.D. Project – Moments of Life CD, Private Release, 2013 One of the many things that always fascinated me on the accessible releases of Frank Dorittke, aka F.D. project, are its freshness and vibrant feel paired with a contemporary sounds design that takes its own bits and pieces of inspiration from old school German electronics. On the 60-minute…

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Picture Palace Music – Somnambulistic Tunes

Release data: Picture Palace Music – Somnambulistic Tunes CD/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Manikin Records, 2004/2007 For this release, Thorsten Quaeschning has chosen to compose a neo/classical work of cinematic music, all inspired by Robert Wienes (over 80 years old) silent vintage movie “Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari”. Still, there’s quite a bunch of electronics involved in the creation of “Somnabulistic Tunes”, for…

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Pyramid Peak – Anatomy

Release data: Pyramid Peak – Anatomy CD/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Private Release, 2013 With their album “Anatomy”, the trio Pyramid Peak (aka Axel Stüpplich, Andreas Morsch & Uwe Denzer) show cast once more they still belong to Germany’s headliners of today’s contemporary electronic music circle. While re-interpreting and redefining the Berliner School sound as reference, these guys have a knack for coming…

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Chronotope Project – Event Horizon

Release data: Chronotope Project – Event Horizon CD-R/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Relaxed Machinery, 2013 On the previous two albums of Chronotope Project, aka composer Jeffrey Ericson Allen, I already discovered some beautifully crafted ambient art work. The 58-minute “Event Horizon” is by no means an exception to this, as once again organic-founded material is blended sophistically with atmospheric pads, electronic drone textures,…

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Erren – Fleissig – Schöttler – Steffen – Ouddorp Takes

Release data: Erren – Fleissig – Schöttler – Steffen – Ouddorp Takes CD/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Private Release, 2013 Word about this album has been floating around in electronic music circles for a short while, as it seems to contain some nicely rendered old-school electronic music made with a fine assortment of vintage hardware. Investigating the recording with my own ears turned…

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Rhea – Crescent

Release data: Rhea – Crescent CD-R/LP, Rhea Music, 2013 Rhea is a project of Belgian synthesist Mark de Wit, who some might know as one half of Purfoze or as one of the founding members of B-Wave, the Belgian electronic music community. “Crescent Rhea”, presented in a beautifully designed origami-style digipack, offers 50 minutes of otherworldly space-ambient. The album contains…

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Colin Rayment – Acclimation

Release data: Colin Rayment – Acclimation CD-R/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Private Release, 2013 “Acclimation”, the process of adapting to a new climate, covers a number of personal experiences and thoughts of UK composer Colin Rayment covering areas of personal snap shots that derive their name from various geographical experiences and their adaptations to some extreme (weather) conditions. In the process of creation,…

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Steve Smith & The Tylas Cyndrome – Pools of Diversity

Release data: Steve Smith & The Tylas Cyndrome – Pools of Diversity CD, Groove Unlimited, 2013 This trio gave a very nice act-de-presence at E-Live 2013, being part of the ViTaL concert (ViTaL is VoLt including Tylas Cyndrome and Lamp), which als marked the release of the band’s second album “Pools of Diversity”. The accessible 62-minute outcome presents some catchy…

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Robert Carty – Spore

Release data: Robert Carty – Spore DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Deep Sky Music, 2013 The six-track album Spore” kicks-off with the vibrant sound design and dancing sequencer patterns of the lush “Beginning”, later on winding down into calming, cosmic/new age soundscaping. A magical, soft-soaring sound current comes to the surface on the freeform “Journey”, shifting to more lyrical realms on “Natural Nature”.…

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Celer – Climbing Formation

Release data: Celer – Climbing Formation CD/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Entropy Records, 2013 “Climbing Formation” is my second encounter with the ambient music of Will Long (aka Celer), who plays synthesizer, organ and tape loops on this release. Three lengthy and one short piece make up the 70+ minute album, featuring most tranquil and highly minimal drone ambiences. It’s a slow morphing…

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Banco de Gaia – Apollo

Release data: Banco de Gaia – Apollo CD/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Disco Gecko Recordings, 2013 Banco de Gaia is UK composer Toby Marks, whose project is about mid-tempo trance-dance beats intertwined with ambient moods along world music samples and a slight new age-spiritual angle. “Apollo” appears to be his first album in seven years. The albums opens strong with the emotive and…

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Havdis – Nightbreeze

Release data: Havdis – Nightbreeze CD, Gterma, 2013 Similar to his previous album, the main inspiration of “Nightbreeze” is the immediate surroundings of the composer (a fisherman by trade) along his close connection to the sea and its nature. However, this time around Odd Jensen (aka Havdis) tries to embrace the northern summer’s atmospheres while living so close to its…

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David Helpling & Jon Jenkins – Found

Release data: David Helpling & Jon Jenkins – Found CD/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Spotted Peccary Music, 2013 This is such a recording causing a rush of excitement already at first glance, although being the final episode of the duo’s trilogy. “Found” is a 70+ minute emotive work of ambient music featuring both grand and intimate atmospheres along compelling rhythm sections, all propelling…

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Mindglide – Radiance

Release data: Mindglide – Radiance DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Altera Orbe, 2009/2013 Mindglide is an electronic music project founded by composer Rafael De Julián Garcia, an independent artist residing in Valencia, Spain. The project is heavily influenced by electronic music from the 1970’s such as progressive rock along other experimental and improvising genres like Krautrock. “Radiance”, Mindglide’s second album, was originally composed…

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Narcosis – Narcosis

Release data: Narcosis – Narcosis CD/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Fairy Nuff Music, 2007 What I got here is a kind of forgotten but worthy album in the EM-genre. Narcosis is Steve Jenkins, a technical/stage manager for the UK Hampshire Jam series of concerts, and Irish synthesist Stephan Whitlan. Despite Mr Jenkins not being a technically skilled player as Mr Whitlan, he is…

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Coral Cave – The 4th (live)

Release data: Coral Cave – The 4th (live) CD-R/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Private Release, 2013 It may sound strange, but this is my first encounter with the music of the German band Coral Cave, which was founded at the end of the ’80’s by the Düsseldorf-based synthesizer duo Tilo Voigthaus and Erik Matheisen. Both also seem to have followed some solo-endeavours as…

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Walter Roos – Buddhas Breeze

Release data: Walter Roos – Buddhas Breeze CD-R/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Private Release, 2010 The music of German composer and visual artist Walter Roos has been on my list for quite a while, so I hereby finally found time to investigate one of his recordings. “Buddhas Breeze”, an attempt on creating meditative music, is a 78-minute ambient recording and Walter’s third album.…

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Klaus Schulze – Shadowlands

Release data: Klaus Schulze – Shadowlands CD, Synthetic Symphony/SPV, 2013 This is a bit of an unusual review as I generally tend not to review releases by the bigger, better-known EM-artists, as they already get their share of attention through lots of other channels. Still, the limited edition 2-cd version of the studio-release “Shadowlands” intruiged me, as I wanted to…

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Javi Cánovas – Cracks in the Air

Release data: Javi Cánovas – Cracks in the Air DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Private Release, 2013 With his album “Cracks in the Air”, Javi Cánovas attempts to express feelings about very abstracts things that are hard to describe, along reflections about the apparent inconsistency about them as well. Sonically, it all feels like a journey through time and space, offering both slow…

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Marcomé – Seven Seas

Release data: Marcomé – Seven Seas CD/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Rubicon Records/Marco Productions, 1996 The (sadly deceased) Canadian label Rubicon Records released the feel-good/new-age album “Seven Seas” in 1996, which is the debut-album by Canadian singer/songwriter Marcomé (written as Marco May on my copy and also pronounced that way). Synthesist and producer Michel Robidoux was involved in the making of this album,…

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Jerome Froese – Far Side of the Face

Release data: Jerome Froese –Far Side of the Face CD/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Moonpop, 2012 On the minimalist designed digipack release “Far Side of the Face”, Edgar’s son Jerome adds a new chapter to his existing catalogue of “guitartronica”. I find slightly kindred emotive currents in the album’s music as encountered in the shoegazer works of Ulrich Schnauss, although Jerome’s outcome radiates…

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Schiller – Horizon

Release data: Schiller – Horizon CD/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Panorama/Deutsche Gramaphone, 2013 This is a bit of an unusual review, as it focusses on the album “Horizon” only, which is part of Schiller’s expensive and limited “Opus” Limited Ultra Deluxe Edition, (a four-cd-set) and not available seperately. Musically, it is way different compared to the dreary, reinterpreted classical-electronic music making up “Opus”.…

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Mirrored Meridian – Heliolatry

Release data: Mirrored Meridian – Heliolatry CD-R/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Meridian Music, 2013 “Heliolatry” is referred to as a soundtrack for an imaginary science-fantasy story sandwiched between two space-ambient tracks. The overall music though has a different impact and mindset compared to the more song-based predecessor “A Sense of Wonder”. “Heliolatry’s” instrumental storytelling takes the listener further into deep space as we…

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Within Reason – Substrate: Collected Elements

Release data: Within Reason – Substrate: Collected Elements CD-R/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Harmonic Resonance Recordings, 2013 In his press-notes, US-composer Gregory Kyryluk (aka Within Reason) refers to “Substrate: Collected Elements” as a body of collected Within Reason tracks created prior to “Subtle Shift” and in-between “Transient Broadcasts”. In my opinion, the seven tracks on the release once more reveal and emphasize the…

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Troika – Goddess

Release data: Troika – Goddess CD, Enso Records, 1996 At first glance, the visuals of Troika’s debut album already evoke a dreamy, fairy-tale like feeling, something also found in the beautiful art and design gracing the albums of e.g. Amethystium or the early albums of Gandalf. Sonically, Troika tells its own story in instrumental music in a most lyrical style…

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Synaesthesia – Ephemeral

Release data: Synaesthesia – Ephemeral CD, Zoth Ommog, 1997 Synaesthesia is one of the various projects by Bill Leeb and Rhys Fulber, who are also the driving forces behind Delerium and Frontline Assembly. “Ephemeral” is their third (and also last) album under this alias, a sonic exercise in infectious tribal ambient with powerful but slow rhythms, drums and beats. The…

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Steve Roach & Vir Unis – Blood Machine

Release data: Steve Roach & Vir Unis – Blood Machine CD, Greenhouse Music, 2001 “Blood Machine” is the follow-up to “Body Electric”, and would also be the last full-length collaborative album of Steve Roach and John Strate-Hootman (aka Vir Unis). In the process of creation, the two musicians were exploring a kind of collaboration where the mutual focus is maintained…

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Sayer – Random Access Melodies

Release data: Sayer – Random Access Melodies CD/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, New Territory Records, 2013 After a long hiatus, American synthesist Sayer Seely re-surfaced lately, announcing a remastered version of his debut album as digital download only, along “Random Access Melodies”. The latter is a compilation of various tracks recorded since the debut album and prove Sayer still knows his ways in…

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AirSculpture – Attrition System

Release data: AirSculpture – Attrition System CD, Neu Harmony, 1997 “Attrition System” is an album assembling various tracks from the October ’95, November ’95 and March ’96 sessions, all happening after the EMMA#3 festival. Although featuring shorter bite sized pieces than usual, they all show the live improvisation (which is the core element of the band’s sound) while at the…

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Lightwave – Tycho Brahe

Release data: Lightwave – Tycho Brahe CD, Hearts of Space/Fathom , 1994 This concept album, named after Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe, is made by the French collective Lightwave (aka synthesists Christoph Harbonnier and Christian Wittman). It can best be classified as atonal and unpredictable cosmic music with a firm twist along a good dash of experiment. This already comes forward…

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Vidna Obmana & Sam Rosenthal – Terrace of Memories

Release data: Vidna Obmana & Sam Rosenthal – Terrace of Memories CD, Projekt Records, 1992 Terrace of Memories is a collaborative ambient effort between Sam Rosenthal (owner and founder of Projekt Records) and vidnaObmana (aka Dirk Serries). The five free form compositions on this 42-minute album all breathe a deep and absorbing atmosphere. I’d say it’s a meditative and highly…

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G.E.N.E. – Flying Fish

Release data: G.E.N.E. – Flying Fish CD, Innovative Communications, 1995 G.E.N.E. (Grooving Electronics Natural Environments) is no single musician, producer, or influence, but several established musicians who have brought their own style and instrumentation to recordings. The overall concept behind it is to create a style of music that exists at the intersection between nature and technology that would unite…

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Three-Six (36) – Shadowplay

Release data: Three-Six (36) – Shadowplay CD/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, 3Six Records, 2013 “Shadowplay” harkens back to the days when 36’s (pronounced three-six) debut “Hypersona” (2008) saw the light of day, made in a period when Dennis Huddleston was just having fun while making ambient music, with no strings attached, pressure or other expectations floating around. In the end, the new 48-minute…

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Budd/Garcia/Lentz – Music for 3 Pianos

Release data: Budd/Garcia/Lentz – Music for 3 Pianos CD/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, All Saints, 1993 “Music for Three Pianos”, inspired by Morton Feldman’s multi-piano pieces, brings together the gifted minimalist piano players Harold Budd, Ruben Garcia and Daniel Lentz. It’s not full album but a 21-minute EP with six compositions featuring simple but most effective music. Its subtle impact reminds of Budd’s…

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Various Artists – Oxycanta III

Release data: Various Artists – Oxycanta III CD/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Ultimae Records, 2013 After two years of hard work, label manager and dj Mahiane (aka Sandrine Gryson) finally compiled a third volume in the fine, but still rather unknown “Oxycanta”-series (named after Crataegus Oxyacantha, a species of Northern European Hawthorn dear to old time herbalists), this time containing 76 minutes of…

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Temps Perdu? – Terra Incognita

Release data: Temps Perdu? – Terra Incognita CD/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Timebase, 1995 “Terra Incognita” is the second ambient album by Temps Perdu?, aka French/German duo Dirk and Catherine Ledit-Grützmann. The music is highly inspired by extensive travels around the globe, bringing elements from various cultures and traditions together. The instrumental outcome is an exotic, atmospheric and highly organic ambient soundtrack with…

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Juta Takahashi – Transcendence

Release data: Juta Takahashi – Transcendence CD/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Lunisolar Records, 2013 With the tenth release of this talented Japanese musician, we enter the next level of the ethereal, expansive float zone. Once more sticking to a free form, textural outcome, Mr Takahashi brings his listeners four 16-minute tracks with drifting, exotic-spiced soundscapes along a very nice touch of analogue sounds.…

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Gastón Arévalo – Rollin Ballads

Release data: Gastón Arévalo – Rollin Ballads CD/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Oktaf Records, 2013 Gastón Arévalo is a musician from Uruguay, whose album “Rollin Ballads” is a nature- inspired album featuring eight neo-classical and pop-ambient sound collages, evoking a certain aural and visual feel. Sound wise it clearly fits in the roaster of the Oktaf-label, offering calm but foggy/modulated synthetic washes, lush…

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Frank Van Bogaert – Geographic

Release data: Frank Van Bogaert – GeographicCD, Groove Unlimited, 1999 With his second album “Geographic”, Belgium synthesist Frank van Bogaert takes his listeners on a journey to far-off places, a tasty melting pot of electronics, assorted world (percussion) instruments and voice snippets. Moreover, it’s (again) highly emotive work of sonic art with a carefully molded sound design that reminds somewhat…

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Alex Farhoud – Nosso Nosso

Release data: Alex Farhoud – Nosso Nosso LP/CD, Racket Records/Rubicon Records, 1988/1992 In the fast days of modern society, we sometimes need some music to slide back to the slow lane of things. At the end of the ‘80’s/start of the ‘90’s, Canadian composer Alex Farhoud created “Nosso Nosso”, (in Japanese the silence you provoke within), which offers the listener…

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Darshan Ambient – Little Things

Release data: Darshan Ambient – Little Things CD/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, LotusPike Records, 2013 On his concept album “Little Things” (which is about uncovering and celebrating the wonderful little details that exist below the surface of our normal routines) Michael Allison has come up with a range of sounds and compositions that mix contemporary with Eastern, African, sometimes Urban ones. There’s still…

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Arjen Schat – Infinite Arithmetics

Release data: Arjen Schat – Infinite Arithmetics DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Private Release, 2013 The cover of “Infinite Arithmetics” by Dutch composer Arjen Schat is graced by some very nice experimentation with abstract macro-photography. The album itself offers tracks with sequencer pieces only, and is completely made using hardware gear only. The latter features two Moog Little Phatty’s, Moog Slim Phatty, Waldorf…

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Vidna Obmana – Crossing the Trail

Release data: Vidna Obmana – Crossing the Trail CD/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Projekt Records, 1998 Fans of minimal soundscape tapestries will really want to dig this gem by Dirk Serries, better known as vidnaObmana. “Crossing the Trail” offers a continuous 70-minute farscape of ethereal sound washes, shakers and percussion, journeying through shaded and light territory with nice unfolding minimalism. It’s a seamless…

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Emerge – Desecrate

Release data: Emerge – Desecrate CD-R/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Attenuation Circuit, 2013 Emerge is a drone-ambient project by Attenuation Circuit’s label owner Sascha Stadlmeier,aka Emerge. What I got here is a 3″ mini cd-r on which the minimal, slow morphing music of the 18-minute track takes on an “acousmatic” approach, merging experimental and abstract elements with darkening, organic-flavored soundscapes along totally meshed-up…

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Sigma – Binaural Beats

Release data: Sigma – Binaural Beats CD-R/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Private Release, 2007 The discovery of their sophisticated album “Sleep of the Shadow” made me investigate their previous efforts, “Binaural Beats” being one of them. Don’t expect any cheesy or song-structured music on this album, as the improvised outcome is unconventional in many ways. Its sonic approach is challenging and adventurous, while…

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Ran Kirlian – Formations

Release data: Ran Kirlian – Formations CD-R/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Altera Orbe, 2012 “Formations” is an ambient album by Ran Kirlian that merges elements of the organic subgenre with more traditional free form styles. According the composer, the outcome defines a journey to the core of the tribal-ambient landscapes previously heard on the albums “Sleeper”, “Melting Point” and “Limbo”. The 70 minutes…

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Liveform – In Harmony

Release data: Liveform – In Harmony DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Private Release, 1997 “In Harmony” is the debut release of the Dutch band Liveform, aka Arjan Steenbergen, Richard Stuij and Menno Zielhorst. As can be expected with such a title, the music covered here has a tranquil, balanced and relaxing character without becoming new-age. There are ten pieces in total, with quite…

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Juta Takahashi – The Door into Winter

Release data: Juta Takahashi – The Door into Winter CD-R/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Lunisolar Records, 2007 For his second release, Juta Takahashi chose a winter-theme which is expressed through three lengthy tracks. Its freeform soundscape ambient without a chilling effect though, as Mr Takahashi uses warm flowing pads in his quite minimal-oriented music. There’s a sense of stillness and balance embedded in…

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Saul Stokes – Washed in Mercury

Release data: Saul Stokes – Washed in Mercury CD/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Hypnos Recordings, 1997 For its time, “Washed in Mercury” (the first cd-release on Mike Griffin’s newly founded label Hypnos Recordings back in the ‘90’s) offered an innovative, progressive sound in electronic music. For this purpose, Washington-based composer Saul Stokes used various home-made analogue synthesizers and fx’s gear. The medium tempo…

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Mirrored Meridian – A Sense of Wonder Vols 1 & 2

Release data: Mirrored Meridian – A Sense of Wonder Vols 1 & 2 CD-R/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Meridian Music, 2013 The sole musician behind the UK-electronica project Mirrored Meridian is Chris Thomas. For “A Sense of Wonder”, he compiled material recorded between 2007 and 2011, for which Chris used an assortment of software and hardware synthesizers along e-guitars. This double album, split…

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Benn Jordan – Pale Blue Dot (A Tribute To Carl Sagan)

Release data: Benn Jordan – Pale Blue Dot (A Tribute To Carl Sagan) CD/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, AlphaBasic, 2008 Benn Jordan is a Chicago-based musician/producer who seems to be known under various other aliases (e.g. The Flashbulb) and for other types of music than what’s found on this cosmic gem. “Pale Blue Dot”, a tribute album to the late scientist and astronomer…

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Janneh – Solarization

Release data: Janneh – Solarization CD-R/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Hanhisoundit, 2013 “Solarization” is a concept album of Finnish composer Janne Hanhisuanto about solar power and its significance through the history of mankind. Sonically, it combines the ambient flavors of Erik Wollo with more traditional Berliner School-oriented and symphonic electronic music. Most of all, the 34-minute outcome makes an accessible, contemporary-instrumental work featuring…

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Peter Mergener – Take-Off

Release data: Peter Mergener – Take-Off CD, Cue Records, 1992 “Take Off”, a concept-album on “Flight”, was released during the prolific days of German electronic music, and continues in the slipstream of his Mr Mergener’s previous two solo albums. Back are the tasty and Mergener-specific sequencer patterns and electronic drums in a derivative of the Berliner School style, with a…

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Sonic Immersion
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