Patrick O’Hearn – Transitions

Patrick O'Hearn - Transitions

Release data:

Patrick O’Hearn – Transitions
CD/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Private Release, 2011

According to Patrick O’Hearn, the music of “Transitions” intentionally hails back to the sounds of his first Private Music albums, sticking to the formulae of simple melody, harmony and above all: atmosphere.
The 45-minute outcome was created using a mixture of hardware synthesizers, computer generated elements and traditional acoustic instruments such as piano, guitar and percussion.

Well, the familiarity with is older albums most certainly applies to the first three tracks of the release, fitting nicely along the music of his debut release “Ancient Dreams”, and especially to the 5-minute opening piece “Reaching Land”. The latter sets a great moody and warm atmosphere with O’Hearn’s usual ingredients of percussion, piano and beautiful synths pads.

“Playground” feels like a soft mourning track looking back on childhood days. Patrick’s well-known fretless bass joins strings synths and percussion on “Restless”, while a warm acoustic guitar contributes to the quiet sketch “Well-Mannered”. Dark washes of melancholy and a profound introspective feel are always present in the nine, at times even dreamy but always tranquil instrumentals that make up “Transitions”.

While I was disappointed in his previous release “Glaciation”, the collection of moods on the excellently produced and mixed “Transitions” tells me Patrick O’Hearn is back on track in the way most fans always liked and appreciated him. Congrats on this one, Patrick!


You can see what reviews I have done of this artist on the  Patrick O’Hearn artist page


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