Phillip Wilkerson & Chris Russell – Vague Traces

Phillip Wilkerson & Chris Russell - Vague Traces

Release data:

Phillip Wilkerson & Chris Russell – Vague Traces
CD/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Spotted Peccary Music, 2014

Harmonic and multi-dimensional music roaming gently through vaporous, tranquil spheres is an apt description for this album by synthesists Chris Russell and Phillip Wilkerson.

The free form textural outcome on “Vague Traces” is a kind of stress-relief but non-meditative music addressing the intimate and the sensitive with its kaleidoscope of slow evolving, overtly caressing and pastel tone colors.

The 63-minute unhurried sonic vapor (which seems inspired by the composers own lucid-dream state experiences) sets out on a journey into distance landscapes, leaving spiritual landmarks along the way. During its intrinsic drift, the dreamy drone washes meticulously melt darker and lighter shades while maintaining a light air but avoiding the gap getting cheesy or predictable.

As such, the gently curling (and at times slightly soothing) atmospherics making up “Vague Traces” sketches alternate visions of reality and possible worlds beyond the mind’s eye.


You can see what reviews I have done of these artists on the  Phillip Wilkerson, Chris Russell artist pages
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