Picture Palace Music – Midsummer

Picture Palace Music - Midsummer

Release data:

Picture Palace Music – Midsummer
CD, Groove Unlimited, 2010

All who attended the band’s concert at “E-Live 2010” could hear a good portion of this album, which was played enthusiastically, very loud and in high-rocking mode.

At that occasion, Thorsten Quaeschning & co. pulled off some electronic post-rock with a catchy bite, in which powerful drums and fierce guitar parts took centre stage next to the symphonic keyboard parts.

The music on “Midsummer” continues in a similar fashion. Fortunately, there also are a few quiet, moody interludes, such as the atmospheric “Midsummer’s Morning” and the first section of the three-part “Drowning someone’s sorrow into the Ocean”, but in general the music often shifts into higher gear with up-tempo pieces with a strong TD-flavour.

The diverse outcome, subtitled music for sound divers & baptism ceremonies, is evocative and imaginary, taking the listener out in a melodic and progressive fashion.

Website: www.picture-palace-music.com

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