Release data:
Projekt Erde – Mysterious Vibrations
CD, CMS/4U, 1992
Musician and sound specialist Christoph Hausmann had a 24-track studio in the late 80s and early 90s. It had nearly all of the state-of-the-art synthesizers available at that time such as CMI Fairlight, Oberheim Matrix 12, Emax I and II and Sequential’s Prophet VS.
Christoph met sound technician Martin Stark, who became fascinated by the way Christoph’s special, creative way of working with sounds. Their main job was the production of pop music for different music labels, but they also had some in-house projects like the cd with Lucian and all the work for their own new label “4U”.
Their general way of producing consisted of accurate programming, perfectionism and over-midified music. So in their own time the duo decided just to play around on the synthesizers with no programming, no sheet, no plan, or whatsoever, so the outcome would come from just intuitive live playing.
They lightened a few dozens of candles at their German Brachelshof-studio in Oberembt, started the master recorder and played about all night.
It led to more than 10 hours of absolute outstanding 12 tune like music, of which the most commercial pieces of the recording made it to “Mysterious Vibration”. The four lenghty freeform tracks on the album where aptly subtitled as “channelled meditation music”.
The music didn’t get any postproduction, it was only mastered. |