Ran Kirlian – Isolated Landscapes

Ran Kirlian - Isolated Landscapes

Release data:

Ran Kirlian – Isolated Landscapes
DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Private Release, 2001/2003

“Isolated Landscapes” is a 77-minute collection of early tracks, demos and unreleased long form ambient from 1999-2001 that Ran Kirlian released privately on cd-r’s or remained unpublished. The slightly tribal-infused album offers four expansive ambient pieces, the first two composed in 2001.

The 27-minute opener proves the toughest, sticking to massive, foreboding dronescapes acting like a massive descending landslide on “Ritual of Darkness”, then shifting to the more accessible resonating aural tapestries of “Enlightment Cycle”, a track released for the first time. “In Aeternum Part III” is a 19-minute dense, overtly minimal drift with rather smooth, heavenly choir textures on top. It’s expanded by the sounds of a thunderstorm on the last section of the track.
“Oniria”, the final cut, proves the gentlest, most spacey and airy exercise on “Isolated Landscapes”, morphing onward in strings of minimal soundscape washes.

Website: www.rankirlian.es

You can see what reviews I have done of this artist on the Ran Kirlian artist page


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