Rene de Bakker – Dive In Dive Out

Rene de Bakker - Dive In Dive Out

Release data:

Rene de Bakker – Dive In Dive Out
CD/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Groove Unlimited, 2021

“Dive Dive Out” marks the eighth solo release by Beyond Berlin member Rene de Bakker. As the composer writes in the notes in the booklet, it is sequencer-based music with its basis and inspiration in the tradition of Berlin school featuring sequencer parts mainly derived from modular systems, controlled by six different sequencers.

The 67-outcome (containing five lengthy tracks) proves a solid and well-made effort without any solo voices, giving way to comfortable, gradual evolving moods underpinned with emotive currents. Taking it all in with headphones reveals this quality release’s embedded transparent, spatial, and intrinsic beauty.

Verdict: between 3.5 and 4 stars.


You can see what reviews I have done of this artist on the Rene de Bakker artist page



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