Rene de Bakker – Returning Winds

Rene de Bakker - Returning Winds

Release data:

Rene de Bakker – Returning Winds
CD/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Private Release, 2014

On your search for well-tempered Berlin School music the works by Rene de Bakker will surely please quite an audience, as it is well composed and structured. Did his self-titled first album still need a bit of work on various fronts, the 66-minute “Returning Winds” (Rene’s third effort) comes forward more solid and confident. Led by a fine assortment of -end of ’70’s Schulzian- analogue sequencers, warm pads along bits of solo voices pass by in the music, that all fully come to bloom in the longer tracks, almost all made in 2014.

To these also belongs the strong, expressive, busy and sweeping title piece, where whirling sequences and lush pads take the listeners on a flight elsewhere. “Straying Seagulls” following next is a tad less busy but doesn’t stray far from the aforementioned piece though featuring some lengthy, not too upfront soloing. After this piece, older, far less expressive and accomplished pieces take over, starting with the strange, a bit bland and rather deranged sounding “Deep Bells”.

The shorter tracks rounding out the album (also from an earlier date) sound like sketches all lacking proper content and expression to be interesting. I for one think this release is worth buying for the first three tracks (40-minutes altogether).


You can see what reviews I have done of this artist on the Rene de Bakker artist page


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