It is my impression Dutch synthesist René van der Wouden has evolved to a skilled painter of sonic landscapes on the 77-minute “Panorama”. The recording, of which the four tracks were composed between September 2008 and November 2010, sets off with the almost 32-minute “Underwater Sideviews”. This lengthy freeform ambient composition sketches bright, tranquil and easy-going farscapes connected to the water element, featuring a slight touch of Vangelis. Next is the 6-minute “Invisible Pathways”, a vibrant and expressive piece with nice sweeping and colorful synth washes. Things take on a smooth space music shape on the minimal “Milky Way Dreaming” (my personal favorite on the album) with its fluid and gentle textural renderings and tantelizing scattering sounds. They all nicely drift and shapeshift for almost 26 minutes. “Panorama”is available as cd-r and in lossless audio format from MusicZeit. |
You can see what reviews I have done of this artist on the René van der Wouden artist page
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