Robert Fox – Short Stories

Robert Fox - Short Stories

Release data:

Robert Fox – Short Stories

The music captured on “Short Stories” proves Mr Fox is further continuing the sonic path taken on his album “Evergreen”.

The outcome again is a tad lighter and almost easy-listening when one hears the ten storytelling tracks too gently unfold in an almost new age kind style. Sadly enough, this also means the grand sound known of his previous works has totally vaporized, and has been replaced by overall mellow, chill-out mood music. Its soothing and relaxing impact is obvious, the vocal/choir pads and soft soaring soundscapes constantly stay in a New Age bubble in which I miss the magic and the dynamic to make it worthwhile.

Like his previous release, the music making up “Short Stories” is disappointing and again not my cup of tea.


You can see what reviews I have done of this artist on the Robert Fox artist page


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