Ron Boots – Liquid Structures in Solid Form

Ron Boots - Liquid Structures in Solid Form


Release data:

Ron Boots – Liquid Structures in Solid Form
CD, Groove Unlimited, 2002

“Liquid Structures in Solid Form”, which comes in special metal cd-case, marks Ron’s return to overall analogue sounds. Put in his own words: “it’s like going back ten years in the approach of creating music”.

Well, the cd contains six tracks, which kicks off with the great 19 minute title track, which sets the pace for the rest.

The music on this album is of high quality, comprising layers of impressive, powerful sequences, sparkling soundscapes and beautiful solo’s on top.
This music, on which Ron is accompanied by trusted drummer Harold van der Heijden, hails back to the grand days of the Berliner School of electronic music, but there also room for an atmospheric excursion, as heard on the second track “KGM”.

“Thunder Road” is another strong one, offering engaging strings, marvellous bass lines and sounds of thunder. In addition, one can spot a touch of dance in the closing track “Soft Skin”. This piece might not be of satisfaction to every fan of his music (as Ron decided to add some of his own singing to it) but it certainly proves Ron dares to try something new.

All in all, “Liquid Structures in Solid Form” is a recommended addition to Ron’s growing discography.


You can see what reviews I have done of this artist on the Ron Boots artist page


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