“Blasters of the Universe” is a compilation of eight live and improvised tracks from the vaults of Mr Parsick from the period 1999-2001, in which he collaborated with Klaus Hoffmann-Hoock, aka Cosmic Hoffmann. The nicely sequenced 6-minute title track is already very tasty one, followed by the warm mellotron improvisations and captivating impact of the Yamaha CS80 on „Psychedelhi“. The free form and highly atmospheric “Spazedaze” is a more adventurous outing with experimental but still pleasant elements, plus a tad of Schulze’s album „Dune“. The motif of the MoM-track „Music for Paradise” (played on a Rhodes piano) opens „Paradise Now!“, to which synth layers and solo’s are added next to the moody sounds of birds, fogs, rain and thunderstorms. Vintage and building sequencer patterns start out on „The Ace of Space“, to which synth layers from the Megatron later on try to give the piece some further icing and content, but this track sounds rather empty and superficial to my ears. Fortunately, the highly atmospheric „Astronomina Domina” makes up for that with its beautiful, dreamy impact. Shivers down my spine as I heard these quiet, elevating soundscapes, mellotron textures, guitar and sitar licks slowly unfold before the minds eye. The 15-minute “Cosmic Caravan” is another gem which starts out sounding rather rough and energetic, running into an attractive but abstract, psychedelic sound painting in which Stephen plays the RMI Harmonic Synthesizer for real-time sequencing. The rawer sound paintings of “Fear” (the last track on the album) have a nice straight-forward impact, especially when the shifting sequence-pattern starts growing, making things take off for real. “Blasters of the Universe” was made available in a strictly limited batch of only 25 hand-numbered copies. |
Website: www.parsick.com
You can see what reviews I have done of this artist on the Stephen Parsick artist page
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