Sunya Beat – The Jelenia Gora Sessions

Sunya Beat - The Jelenia Gora Sessions

Release data:

Sunya Beat – The Jelenia Gora Sessions
CD, Ricochet Dream, 2005

The music of this cd was recorded live in Jelenia Gora, Poland at Teatr Jeleniogorski during the Ricochet Gathering September 10, 2004. It features Harald Grosskopf and Steve Baltes (from Ashra and Ash Ra Tempel fame)on percussion and synthesizer, plus Axel Heilhecker on guitar.

The seven tracks contain instrumental progrock and spacerock kindred music with minimal elements.
There’s quite some powerful drum work scattered over the album next to some heavy and bluesy guitar in the way of Joe Satriani, as e.g. shown on “Miami” or “Gora Slide”.

This is no album for the faint hearted nor for those who expect quite some electronics, so I like a lot of EM-fans will skip this one.



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