Tangerine Dream – The Endless Season

Tangerine Dream - The Endless Season

Release data:

Tangerine Dream – The Endless Season
CD, Eastgate, 2010

“The Endless Season” is the fifth (and final) part of the Five Atomic Seasons album series. Quite some of the overall mellow music on the album remembers me of the live music Tangerine Dream played in the ’80’s and ’90’s and especially “Livemiles”, but now executed by Edgar solo in a more contemporary fashion.

The bands typical sound is clear and upfront on the the 11 continuous tracks, with electronics, samples, modern rhythms and some occasional guitar solos interacting with each other. If you’re looking for upfront sequencing though, this release hasn’t any.

The music as a whole is no surprise (and if you expect some kind of climax, stop looking either) but there are a few stronger pieces in there such as “Escape” and “Logic of Intuition”, both lifting the bar to a higher standard.

For me, the 64-minute “The Endless Season” is a descent and well-produced release of cool sounds, nothing more, nothing less.

Website: www.tangerinedream-music.com

You can see what reviews I have done of this artist on the  Tangerine Dream artist page


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