Terra Sancta – Exile

Terra Sancta - Exile

Release data:

Terra Sancta – Exile
CD/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Malignant Records, 2014

Terra Sancta is the alias of Australian dark ambient Greg Wood, who hereby delivers his second full-length album on Malignant Records after an eight year hiatus. The 58-minute freeform outcome is a constellation of massive, sweeping soundscape drones paired with windswept textures that paint a vast horizon of intense farscapes.

Although darker-shaded and dense, its overall abyssal, serene and profound desolate character doesn’t turn out experimental or too menacing. (“Vanishing Point” -found near the end- might be the toughest, as more distortion finds its way in the textures). Instead, the sand-blasted journey making up “Exile” runs the deep end of an organic underworld where huge blackened shapes interact with flares of light.

In the middle section of the release (“The Desolate Land”, “Descent II”), the otherworldly feel intensifies even further, while fierce storm blasts torment a barren landscape of rocks and dust. The fact that the seven tracks aren’t presented in one continuous go isn’t a problem, as Mr Wood picks up and secures the right sphere, evolution and intensity on each of them.

Overall, “Exile” is an otherworldly ambience sketched out on a massive scale that’s quite overwhelming at times. Headphone-listening is recommended.

Website: www.facebook.com/TerraSancta


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