Various Artists – Imaginary Friends

Various Artists - Imaginary Friends

Release data:

Various Artists – Imaginary Friends
CD, Ultimae Records, 2009

“Imaginary Friends” is an audio poetry album collected by Nova, flowing up on the 2005 compilation cd “Albedo”. The narrative-driven compilation offers eleven tracks by various artists, offering a range of styles and approaches within contemporary ambient electronics creating an overall vibrant, fresh, intimate and warm atmospheric pallet of music.

Neo-classical and string pads are highly present on the opening track by Field Rotation, after which the music shifts to the quiet piano-oriented electronics with clicks and glitches of Kevin Andrew.

“Rena Jones” smoothly sets things into slow motion with lofty down tempo, followed by a melodic, structured but still experimental edged piece by “OffTheSky”, in line of his 2006-release “Gently Down The Stream”. Murya (hailing from Iceland) brings a very nice, gently pulsating down-tempo piece which has glimpses of the atmospheres on Ulrich Schnauss’s older albums.

Further on, some the established musicians of the Ultimae stall (Cell, Aes Dana, Asura, Hol Baumann and Solar Fields). They all do their own thing, but they all stay more than quite a bit away from the sound and music I knew from them, replacing it by a kind of restless, edgy down-tempo with clicks, glitches, experimental rims and flavours. The overall outcome just doesn’t do it for me.

All in all, “Imaginary Friends” strays through contemporary classical/electro-acoustic ambient territory with a hard edge, which fans of the DataBloem and DataObscura label and adventurous electronics should certainly investigate.

You can see what reviews I have done of this artist on the  Various Artists page


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