Vir Unis & Disturbed Earth – Drawn from the Well

Vir Unis & Disturbed Earth - Drawn from the Well

Release data:

Vir Unis & Disturbed Earth – Drawn from the Well
CD-R, AtmoWorks, 2008

“Drawn from the Well” is the first chapter of a collaborative series between Vir Unis (aka John Strate-Hootman) and Disturbed Earth (aka Dean Richards).

The lengthy album of 78 minutes contains only three tracks, kicking off with the 49 minute “Flicker”, which roams in quiet, lofty free form atmospherics assembled from electronics and acoustic guitar sounds, breathing an overall pastoral, dreamy and nice introspective feel.

On the experimental “Relinquish” Disturbed Earth’s plucking guitar sounds take centre stage, the electronics remain far into the background. The closing (Vir Unis ?) piece “Velvet World” is a harmonious, drifting affair with only an occasional rhythmic clap.

Although the second piece is not my cup of tea, the first and third track are a slowly unfolding dream journey for imaginative listeners.
The album is available as CD-r or as 320 kbps mp3 download.


You can see what reviews I have done of this artist on the  Vir Unis artist page


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