“Postante” is the debut-release of Stockholm-based composer Vlad Nedelin is a contemporary electronic music album offering nine abstract ambient compositions with slight experimental and down-tempo edges along bits of glitch. Like many ambient recording, the versatile outcome is a very journey-like, implementing lots of environmental sounds as the continuous ride unfolds. The dramatic, transparent, detailed and grainy sound design (most impressive when listened to with quality headphones) features lots of spaciousness along a profound cinematic and emotive current. In addition, certain gloominess (“Post Meridian”, “An Isle”) shines through occasionally while the whole outcome comes forward as enigmatic and psychedelic. “Untouched” rounds out the album with beautiful and sedate textural spheres. Most of all, “Postante” offers Biosphere-like stuff with intriguing turns and twists. Most of all, the excellent produced, mastered and mixed “Postante” demands some experienced ambient ears and is most rewarding from the moment it grabs you. |
Website: www.cdbaby.com/cd/vladnedelin
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